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CODA 2021 POT POT movie download torrent

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CODA 2021 POT POT movie download torrent

CODA 2021

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CODA 2021

Like CODA (Child of the Deaf), Ruby is the only person in his family who can hear the deaf. When the family’s fish business is threatened, Ruby is torn between her passion for music and her fear of abandoning her parents.

A little boy discovers an unforgettable summer sea on the Italian Riviera, filled with ice cream, pasta and motorbikes. Luke shares this sight with his new best friend, but all joys are threatened by a well-kept secret: he is a marine animal from another world beneath the surface of the sea.

Mara and Ingvar, a childless couple, have a great baby on their farm in Iceland. Unexpected expectations from family life bring them great happiness before they destroy them.

CODA 2021

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